Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shhh... (from Tracy, Jen edition)

My friend Tracy proposed an idea and I will quote her blog as follows to explain: "of listing five things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be "totally lame," but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it. Then tag 5 people to do the same." To view hers, go to her blog entitled "Shhh..."

So here goes, Trace:

1) I am currently organizing my grade school reunion. That's right. Not high school, which some people view as lame enough. But grade school. And I am proud of it. With, no less, my boyfriend from that era. But that's just a funny side tidbit.

2) I cry on a regular basis when someone is giving a toast at a wedding. Keep in mind that I am shooting this wedding and have probably met these people the morning of, but it doesn't matter. I am a sucker for men trying really hard not to cry.

3) I do exactly what the audience is supposed to do while watching a horror movie. I cringe, writhe around in my seat, put my hands over my face, let out noises of discust or trepidation, and even scream. Tyler just looks over at me and laughs.

4) I love buying office supplies. No, really really love it. Probably more than I should. I am thrilled when I realize I have to make a trip to Staples. Maybe it harkens back to getting school supplies each year. I do love the smell of #2 pencils.

5) And I stole this one from Trace, but I thought it would be good to let her know that she's not the only lame one: I cry weekly after they "move that bus" on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Very therapeudic.

So with the addition of the last one, it looks like I ball my eyes out twice weekly, and I assure you I don't.

Alright, so I am going to tag Thais & Heath, Tyler, Grandma Pete, and Debra (also because I think those are the only people who read this).


Anonymous said...

Cute. Okay. Since I post my blog on Myspace, I'll post my list as a comment on your blog. Here we go.

1. I was awarded "Best Lead Actor in Missouri" in high school, and I'm still super proud of it.

2. I say "I've not" instead of "I haven't." I don't do this on purpose; it just happens naturally.

3. I can tap out songs on my back teeth.

4. I feel I have a responsibility to read those little information plaques at tourist traps, solely because somebody took the time to write it.

5. I instinctively classify everybody and everything by color; this includes people, numbers, movies, and foods.

There are countless more things that could be included, but I'll go ahead and limit it to five. There ya go.

jenny smith: said...

thanks baby!

Tracy Lee V said...

Oooo. Now I totally want to know what color Tyler classifies me as. :)

Great list. Man, no truer waterworks words have existed than, "Move that bus." Sniff. I'm getting all teary just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

yes i do read yur blog.....it's always fun to learn more about you and keeping up with you and your adventures. Thanks...Snardwat