Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Citizen Kane on the big screen...aka Tyler was right.

"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree."

So Tyler and I saw Citizen Kane at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood last week. After five years of being with Tyler, I had managed to first try and watch this movie and fall asleep on several attempts and then second: avoid what I thought was an awful movie because I had fallen asleep so many times before.

But I could not avoid it any longer. The Arclight was presenting it at 8 pm (early enough for me to get through it, especially since I work from home and had no excuse for not napping beforehand). And so we went.

And Tyler was right. It was awesome! Seeing it big makes a world of difference. And I may be admitting a little stupidity when saying this, but seeing it with an audience makes a big difference too. They laughed at things that I didn't understand were funny in my solo attempts. And they were the most respectful audience. First you should know that, at the Arclight, if you talk, you literally get bounced. There is an announcement by a live person before each show. And that person's job is to stand in the hall during the show and bounce anyone who is talking or gets complained about talking! And second, this audience sat through all the credits, screen by screen (not rolling credits) and clapped for each one! It was so cool. Yeah, you've seen people clap after Spiderman (the first one, not the third), but this was a whole new level. And you could tell that even the people who got popcorn didn't want to chew it during the film. And it was neat that it was sold out.

Oh, and the movie itself was so cool, too. Orson is amazing. I contemplated Tyler's suggestion of naming our firstborn Orson during the movie. That is how good it was, because how cruel would it be to name a kid that!? Anyway, the shots are revolutionary and watching Orson Welles act is so much fun. I recommend it (on a big enough screen when it's dark enough to enjoy the black and white film) and I also recommend the special features and Ebert commentary either before or after. Orson Welles ended up prophesying his own autobiography with this movie. Fascinating.

Anyway, is it now my number one, like Tyler's? No. But it's pretty damn good. These are our ticket stubs!!

Shhh... (from Tracy, Jen edition)

My friend Tracy proposed an idea and I will quote her blog as follows to explain: "of listing five things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be "totally lame," but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it. Then tag 5 people to do the same." To view hers, go to her blog entitled "Shhh..."

So here goes, Trace:

1) I am currently organizing my grade school reunion. That's right. Not high school, which some people view as lame enough. But grade school. And I am proud of it. With, no less, my boyfriend from that era. But that's just a funny side tidbit.

2) I cry on a regular basis when someone is giving a toast at a wedding. Keep in mind that I am shooting this wedding and have probably met these people the morning of, but it doesn't matter. I am a sucker for men trying really hard not to cry.

3) I do exactly what the audience is supposed to do while watching a horror movie. I cringe, writhe around in my seat, put my hands over my face, let out noises of discust or trepidation, and even scream. Tyler just looks over at me and laughs.

4) I love buying office supplies. No, really really love it. Probably more than I should. I am thrilled when I realize I have to make a trip to Staples. Maybe it harkens back to getting school supplies each year. I do love the smell of #2 pencils.

5) And I stole this one from Trace, but I thought it would be good to let her know that she's not the only lame one: I cry weekly after they "move that bus" on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Very therapeudic.

So with the addition of the last one, it looks like I ball my eyes out twice weekly, and I assure you I don't.

Alright, so I am going to tag Thais & Heath, Tyler, Grandma Pete, and Debra (also because I think those are the only people who read this).

Friday, September 14, 2007

Patio Refurbishing...

So. We had this disgusting patio. Charlie and I went out there once and he came in with fleas. It was simply unusable. So after our last bbq outting, we decided to get our butts in gear and fix it up so that we could entertain, too! We didn't know what to do at first. Flooring was the major problem. My mom suggested bricking it. Too much work and too expensive. And we couldn't just concrete it (drainage problems, although I have yet to see it actually rain here since moving here 9 months ago). So our good friend, Chris, suggested just laying down some astro turf. Brilliant! And after checking into it, we found a company only a mile away (a rare occurance in this overly-spread metropolis) that has fake grass. Yes, rich snobs here actually install entire yards of this stuff so they never have to water or mow. Anyway, yesterday we went down there and there was a reminent piece just our size (and about 1/6th the cost according to the guy and thank goodness because that stuff's expensive!!!). Anyway, on our way home we swung by Home Depot and got ourselves a grill and supplies, and now you will see the new and improved patio, ready to entertain. After a read of Thais' article on grilling, I think we will be ready to give it a try. We are a bit nervous about charcoal grilling, but I think we'll be fine. And we counted. There are 12 people here we could (and are going to) invite. Woo hoo! Check out the before and after pictures below!



It's Voldemort Charlie.

And regular Charlie.

After (daytime)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day BBQ (warning: not as good as 4th of July BBQ)

It was awesome to be invited to a Labor Day BBQ, especially since we have no friends here. Our "friend" Chris, who is a friend of our friends John and Heidi Fisher in Chicago, invited us over for some friend meeting and connection making (he's an editor for TV). But alas, this was a royal bummer. It was well over 100 degrees in the Valley last Monday NIGHT (yes even after the sun went down). So people holed up in their apartment instead of down on the patio. This made for many groups of unapproachable people who already knew each other and were sitting. Mingling standing adults: much easier to walk up to. A bedroom full of loungers: NOT. So we left without one phone number. And now we are going to have to wait until Christmas (or maybe Halloween if we're lucky) for the next social invite. Bummer. But we are thinking of trying Chris' church, seeing as most of the loungers were indeed very nice and all go to his church. I'll keep you posted (pun intended).

Retro Posting: My 25th B-Day.

Because as a professional photographer I don't even own a digital point-and-shoot camera, I am forced to use disposable when I don't wanna lug a 7 lb. SLR camera around Disneyland on my birthday. Hence the Carter-titled Retro posting. Yes I need to get a camera, but I am picky and broke (a sad combination). Anyway, Tyler and I enjoy few outings in this city, but one of them is Disneyland. We LOVE it. We bought annual passes and have been 3 times so far. These photos are when my mom was visiting and we celebrated my 25th year here on June 9! Woo hoo! We also went with my brother when he visited, and last week, we went just the two of us (and spotted David Hasslehoff). Check out the ears in all the photos. And the cake is from the Cheesecake Factory (a favorite of mine).

New York Mag Model: Reed Kelly!

My best friend from high school, Reed Kelly, is living in New York and is a dancer/model/actor, etc. He is currently in Wicked (yes the hit broadway musical). But he took some time out of his busy schedule to jump from rooftop to rooftop, lounge on airplane wings, and (at his suggestion) litteraly hang off the side of a 45-story building without safety protection. Idiot? Yes. But how many of you are featured in New York Magazine? Check out the photos below. You can also view a slideshow at nymag.com (click on Fall Fashion Issue on the right and scroll down to see Reed (in hat and tie) to view it. Enjoy!