Friday, June 13, 2008

the celebration continues!

My friends Karly, Elizabeth, and Naomi took me out for a birthday brunch today. We were going to get Cold Stone, but it was a bit early in the morning and we hadn't had lunch yet (around 11 am), so we opted for Chipotle (right next door) instead. Which I didn't mind, since it's my favorite place to eat and Tyler doesn't care for it. But I have to say that now I feel a bit old. I know most of the people who read this are older than me, so they are thinking that I have no right to say that. But let me explain. I have officially reached the age where my woman friends take me out for lunch. This is what my mother does for her birthday, and while my mother is still young in my eyes, I am still celebrating my birthday in the same way. But I see it as a right of passage. Even if it makes me feel a bit old at a mere 26.

Ella along for the ride, and asleep as always.  But she had vaccines yesterday and was a bit under the weather.
Vegetarian bowl...mmmm.
Elizabeth and Naomi.  (sorry for the poor quality, I accidentally shot them on 1600 ISO)
Me and Karly.


Tracy Lee V said...

Happy belated birthday love. I wish I could've taken you out to lunch, cuz I'm an old lady and I heart lunch... :)

Angela said...

Happy Bday! I forgot you are a gemini! Hope it was a good one!