Wednesday, August 22, 2007

ABC Monday Night Lineup

Tyler and I are addicted to a new night of television. This is a new revelation for us, considering that for the first time in 2 years, we get reception on our tv and therefore have the opportunity to get hooked on wierd reality shows. Right now it's Monday nights. We go to the gym and tape the shows because fast forwarding through commericals is the only way to do it. Since we had no reception, we've become accustomed to watching all our programs on DVD (hence the issue with commericals). So it's Wife Swap, then Fat March, then Super Nanny. I must admit that I was quite surprised to see that Tyler was interested in these seemingly meaningless reality shows, but I am glad that, not only did he not laugh at me the first time I was watching them, he actually tuned is as well and it's become an evening we look forward to. It may sound pathetic to you, but you move to a new city (one that people complain about being a distant, cold, and lonely place no less (see Crash)) and see what happens. I'll tell you: reality tv. But not only is it entertaining, but all three shows are invoking stimulating conversations (about family life, loosing weight, and child rearing). All of which are important for us newly weds.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Calm down calm down you mothers and grandmothers who read this. Would I really be blogging about this if it was serious. Just letting you all know that we had our first official earthquake since moving to the state that will eventually fall off the rest of the continent. It happened at about 1 am and I was asleep. I only woke up momentarily. It felt like a big truck going by. So there you have it. Not too dramatic, but it happened, so I felt the need to document it. Later, -J

Friday, August 3, 2007

Harry Potter 5...again

Tyler and I went to see the Order of the Pheonix in theaters again yesterday and we left with a completely different reaction than after the first time. It's not that we didn't like it the first time. In fact, critic reactions angered us. But we really really enjoyed it yesterday. Emma Watson really doesn't do that eyebrow thing more than twice, which was a breath of fresh air, because she usually really bothers me. The character of Umbridge is a hoot. Really I could just review the movie, but I won't.

The point is, find a matinee like we did and spend another $6 to really enjoy the 5th installment of Harry Potter.