Monday, July 9, 2007

Fourth of July aka time to meet new people...again

We were invited to our friend, Megan's bbq. Despite knowing that we didn't know anyone else there, we went. And it was really a lot of fun. The people were quite welcoming. The apartment was strangly Chicagoan (leave it to Megan to find the only apartment in LA with hardwood floors, horizontal blinds and CHARACTER like built-in bookshelves). First, we were able to catch up with Megan, another Chicagoan/IVer/Columbian whom we hadn't see since being here (and actually since before our wedding 2 years ago, yikes!) Then we quickly found another couple to talk to and spent the rest of the afternoon with them. We exchanged info (at their request. WOO HOO!) so I am desperately hoping they call us so we don't have to call them. 2 friends down (hopefully) 48 more to go (before we're up to our Chicago standard).

What about fireworks? you say. Nah. We watched a patriotic movie. Patton. But we didn't totally reject the idea. We were on our way out the door to go to a park to see some sparkles. We closed the door. We realized that the other person didn't have their keys (sometimes the downside of being a couple). So we spent the evening (or the next 10 minutes) getting our way back in. I so cleverly rounded our apartment and popped open a window. Yeah for the wife!


Unknown said...

YAY! I'm so glad for meeting new people... Frankly though, I'm jealous already! ha. I drove to Pittsburgh this weekend to meet Bruce for the Cubs-Pirates games Sat and Sun. It was fun but made me think of Chicago > which led to thinking of you > which made me so glad to get a new post!

Anonymous said...

it sounds like megan is one hip cat out in the west coast with her fancy pad. good for her though because i never did like the old megan. she was such a Loser! i will try and read more of your blogs jenny.

brian hogan