Tuesday, November 20, 2007

California Christmas

So I am having a hard time adjust to to how it's going to be here. Normally I would be walking up and down Michigan Ave as they put up lights before it snows, hurrying through the crowds of people and the wind.  I would window shop at Prada and Barney's, walk down Oak St past the Esquire and Nicole Miller where I got my wedding dress.  I would breeze past the tree outside the Hancock before darting into Water Tower Place.  I could go on and on, but the point is that at Christmas time I LOVE being downtown on the Mile.  Horse drawn carriages go by.  There is snow and ice and cones directing you away from buildings so you don't get hit with said ice.  It's awesome.

California is different.  Awesome as it is to be sitting here in 70 degree weather, it feels weird to see decorations on palm trees.  And no matter how many times I tell myself that Jesus was born amidst the palm trees, it still looks weird.  But we are doing our best to decorate.  We had a tree and bought an array of ornaments because I can't put up all the ornaments I've made or collected since birth because of our stupid cat.  Charlie will play with anything sparkly that moves so sentimental childhood ornaments are out.  So the tree is up and it makes me feel better.  There is are a wreath and lights outside, but it's weird to know that snow will never fall on them.  But inside it feels nice.  We've been playing a lot of Dr. Mario and listening to Christmas music.  That, along with the fact that snow and skiing are only two hours away at Big Bear Mtn., makes me feel better.

But there better be some snow in Minnesota when we get there.


Tracy Lee V said...

Cute tree!

They had the "Lighting the Magnificent Mile" parade last Saturday. I was at home, and I watched it on TV while I put away my laundry. There is nothing more pathetic than watching a parade on TV, but it's just so darn pretty, I couldn't help myself!

My family went to Florida for Christmas two years ago, and I thought the same thing about the fake snow and holiday ornaments on palm trees. But at least you get to see palm trees on a regular basis!!

Anonymous said...

I'll order snow for you when you get here We saw a few flakes the other day but so far nothing substantial! We're saving it for you. Snardwats